Connecting to HDFS from an computer external to the cluster
Since I have set up my ODROID XU4 cluster to work with Spark from a Jupyter web notebook, one of the little annoyances I have had is how inefficient it was to transferring data into the HDFS file system on the cluster. It involved downloading data to my Mac laptop via a web download, transferring that data to the master node, then running hdfs dfs -put to place the data onto the file system. While I did set up my cluster to create an NFS mount, it can be very slow when transferring large files to HDFS. So, my solution to this was to install HDFS on my Mac laptop, and configure it to use the ODROID XU4 cluster. One of the requirements for an external client (e.g., your Mac laptop) to interact with HDFS on a cluster is that the external client must be able to connect to every node in the cluster. Since the master node of the cluster was Read More …