Building Out Nodes for Personal Cluster

Its time to build the cluster. I have all the parts described for my cluster in my prior post, and today’s goal is to get the computers set and fingered as described in my cluster network design. This is a rather long post as I cover both hardware and operating system set up. At the end of this process, we will have a cluster of computers that is ready to have application software installed. I suggest building all the nodes first before starting with the operating system installation. Before you get started with these steps, I highly recommend that you start the download for the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server installation ISO. Note that the EGLOBAL S200 computers couldn’t use the live install ISO for some reason, but everything worked just find with the alternative (or old style) Ubuntu installer. You can download the latest version of that installer here. Select the “64-bit PC (AMD64) server install image” version. Cluster Node Read More …